Reviewing Human Resource policy; Contracting equal payment promotion and leave rights

On 7th, the second part of the workshop took place whereby human resource has been reviewed.

The crowd had so much argument on this topic, the journalist declared that there is no written policy but the management tried to defend by telling us that how will someone accept to be employed if there is no rule informed.

The women journalist mentioned that they could join the field for they really need the work but could not mean their rights not to be considered. They added that since the introduction and policy of the work is done verbally mostly it brings up their rights to be crossed and not considered, thus bringing in conflicts sometimes in the community, for instance if the lady is overworked and not given leave rights, she tries to complain to the family the pressure she goes though thus bringing in to community to solve and bring solutions to the media station, which is not a policy to the media houses.

The group mentioned that there are leave rights mostly for maternity leave with payment sometimes and sometimes without. Other leave rights are not totally considered.

The salary is not based on gender but level of education of the individual, experience and hardwork was agreed within the groups.

For the promotion sector, happens once in a blue moon for there is no gender respect declaration for the media house and media managers implementing the gender respect declaration.

The group came into an agreement that there should me contracts written and signed before the journalist is employed, policy to be drafted down.

A lady journalist from PuntlandTvkhadra Mohamed mentioned to the fellow ladies thay “a sheep is slaughtered on the deck on which she herself is standing (everybody gets according to his deserts) So girls should wake up and put effort in their work.

The chairperson of SWJ added up to close the session by telling the ladies to “at your niche, either make your presence known or stay away.



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