On 28th march 2018 the second workshop took place from 9am in the morning till 1pm. It was opened with a word of prayer. The group present were 15 directors and 10 women journalist from different media houses namely SNTV, SAAB TV, RADIO MUSTAQBAL,UNIVERSALTV,KULMIYE,GOOBJOOG,ERYAL TV,RADIO DANAN,FRELENCE,SAHAL RADIO,RADIO ERGO,NUSO and a representative from FOJOAbukar Al-badri.
The chairperson of somali women journalist opened the discussion by introducing, giving an overview of the topic and welcoming the guest that left their busy schedule to give us a hand in their opinions and their perspectives.
A review on the human resource policy has been identified on contracting equal payments, promotions, and leave rights. During the discussion the directors and the women journalist got the opportunity to interact and share views other than in their respective media houses.
It has been pointed out that there is no equal payment between male and female journalist as they are not given the same positions in the media houses and also the directors shared that there is no rule of lawtht support the journalist in the policy of the government due to instability and the economy of the country being low.
It’s also been mentioned that since the ladies in the media houses are very few, they are only based in specific sectors like the marketing and the finance department which enhances no promotion amongst them.
Discussion groups was formed among the participants to reach an agreement on how to best move forward to improve human resource policy, most of the groups suggested that since there were no contracts signed that specifically showed the rights of the lady journalist there should be consideration in drafting one to include their rights while an opposing group suggested that if that is done for example due to the leave rights of
the ladies the male journalist will be forced to overwork or cover up for them.
In the end action points were agreed between the groups that
- Drafting of clear contracts grades/levels to be set for the promotion.
- Orientations
- Employing more talented ladies to reduce the compression of the male rights.
- Awareness
- Specific salary range to be set unlike negotiations.
- Consideration of ladies in the human resource department for the purpose of decision making.
- Setting of job descriptions.
Though it has been a head to head on discussion finally the groups came into conclusion whereby one of the active directors from Radio Ergo, Noor ALI Farah shared a word of advice to this fellow media groups to treat employees like they going to ma a difference and they will.
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